Monday, May 2, 2016

The Real Life Horatio Alger - L.K. Wood - As Everyone Should!

"We're gonna see better days."

It's what his father always told  him.  Even after his mother abandoned the family.  Even after his father died a few years later from pluerisy.  Even after Lowell Kenneth Wood and his little brother ended up living in an orphanage.

"We're gonna see better days."  It's what L.K. Wood told his brother, right before he lit out to live a life that turned out to be larger than life itself.  Right before he left the orphanage to begin keeping a promise to his dying father, a promise to his younger brother . . . a promise to himself.

But the saying . . . and the doing . . . are sometimes further apart than one can ever anticipate.  And while he was too young to express it, burning at the very core of his being was an unforgiving spirit which tinted every position, every conversation, every relationship that he ever entered into.

It wasn't until he met Patty Ogden, who would soon become Wife Number Six for L.K., that the concepts of healing and forgiveness began to make sense to  the man who had taught Clark Gable how to knife fight in boot camp, flew B17 bombers over "The Hump" in World War II, served as a spy for the OSS, and helped bring The Arch to St. Louis, while building a multi-million dollar real estate business.  He even went on a blind date with Shirley Temple before entering the military.

How do you like them apples?

You will not WANT to put this book down, once you open the covers.  Collaborating with Robert J. Scudieri, close friend, pastor, and a legend in his own right, the prose flows like poetry, the poetry flows like music, and the memories flow like a fine wine.  And that's not a bad analogy.  This is a book that needs to be savored, not merely read.  The adventure is breathtaking . . . and the hard lessons learned throughout this odyssey are timeless.

5 stars for a literary work of art

L.K. Wood with Robert J. Scudieri
ISBN: 978-0-9970642-0-9
Business / Religion / Biography & History
The Spirit of Naples & Southwest Florida

$29.99 hardcover w/ jacket

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