Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Well, I'm back.  This used to be my book review blogspot.  I've gotten away from book reviews, because God's calling me closer to Him, so I'm going to try to make this my faith blog from hereon out.  Bear with me . . . I, just like every other child of God, am a work in progress.  And if you read this, and it encourages you in your walk with the Lord, please let me know.  And if you read this, and you're thinking to yourself, "My goodness, this man's next-door to a heathen!"  please let me know.  Kindly.  Gently.  Looking to yourself lest you also be tempted (Galatians 6:1).  I don't have the details for this quote, and I'm not sure if I'm quoting it correctly, but I heard of a conversation between a famous atheist and an equally famout theologian.  The atheist declared, "Christianity is a crutch!"  The theologian replied, "You're right, my friend . . . but who isn't limping?"  

I know I've "not arrived."  Far from it.  But that doesn't keep me from keeping on keeping on, and doing my best to encourage others to do so.  

I'm going to be trying to set aside time each night, and work my way through a book I received from Grace To You ministries, the publishing arm of Dr. John MacArthur.  I consider him one of my mentors, though he wouldn't recognize me if he saw me on the street.  That's to be expected.  I've never been to his church.  But I "cut my spiritual teeth" on John MacArthur back in 1985, when I came to know the Lord at Grace Baptist Church, Jacksonville, N.C.  I was halfway through my active duty hitch in the U.S. Navy.  I was a Navy Hospital Corpsman, cross-assigned to 2nd Battalion, 2nd Marines, 2nd Marine Division, Weapons Company, Dragons Platoon, 2nd Squad.  I go into such detail for 3 reasons:  1)  Because I actually remember it.  2)  I'm patriotic to a fault.  3)  It's the only aspect of my military career that is still in existence today!

I have my boot camp yearbook.  It's got my face . . . but it's got the wrong name.  And while I went to boot camp in Orlando, Florida, the Navy has since sold the property and it's become a subdivision.

My first ship was the U.S.S. Raleigh (LPD-1), stationed out of Norfolk, VA.  Found out that she was decommissioned and used as a target for artillery exercises.

My first hospital assignment was Naval Hospital Bethesda . . . which has since been taken over by Walter Reed.

Enough of that.  Except for the fact that Jacksonville, NC was the site of my spiritual birth.  That's the red-letter day for me.

So.  The book I mentioned 6 paragraphs ago.  The title is WORSHIP.  The subtitle is, THE ULTIMATE PRIORITY.  Have you wrapped your mind around the spiritual principle that "That is our supreme duty for time and eternity-honor, adore, delight in, glorify, and enjoy God above all His creation, as He is worthy to be worshiped."  (WORSHIP:  THE ULTIMATE PRIORITY; Preface).  Just reading those words stirred my heart at the very core, and sparked a longing to do that very thing.  I have so many "spiritual mentors" who have directed my thoughts to this same principle.  So I'm going to go through this book, bit by bit, and hopefully others will come along for the ride.  I know that I will never be the same, once I begin doing what I was created to do:  worship!

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