Dealing with real-life
issues, sharing (in a transparent yet respectful manner) real-life stories,
celebrating real-life victories . . . and commisserating with real-life
set-backs . . . the authors of this book just keep reminding me of that
favorite Americanism: “Where there’s
life . . . there’s hope.”
Regardless of your particular
addiction, the authors reveal that there is a “commonality” to the addiction
cycle. And they aren’t shy about the
truth . . . and they don’t pull any punches.
If you are looking for a “feel – good, let’s all sing Kum – Ba – Yah!" scenario . . . you’ve selected the wrong book.
However, if you are serious
about dealing with your addiction, or helping someone with theirs . . . and you
are willing to put in the work necessary . . . this book can be a great “first
step” in that process. The author’s are
quick to point out that there is no “quick fix,” and that this book is intended
to be a “conversation starter.”
But you know . . . that’s
where it all begins.
This isn't Dr. Jantz's first rodeo; he's a popular speaker and award-winning author of such books as Healing The Scars Of Emotional Abuse, Healing The Scars Of Childhood Abuse, and Overcoming Anxiety, Worry, and Fear. He is the founder of THE CENTER: A PLACE OF HOPE. in Washington State. Check his website at drgregoryjantz.com.
I received this book free in
exchange for my honest review.
5 stars for a refreshing
voice dealing with a difficult subject!
Gregory L. Jantz, with Ann McMurray
ISBN 978-0-8007-2773-4
Self-Help / Addiction and Recovery
Revell Books
196 pages
$13.99 softcover
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