It’s called “layered,” or
“textured” writing. One book, two or
three separate, distinct plot lines that are woven throughout the book, so that
there are three separate rising actions, three “black moments,” and three
resolutions. And yet it is all one
And Steven James is a master
His latest work, EVERY WICKED
MAN, is coming out in September. I
received an uncorrected proof for review.
Funny . . . that didn’t seem to make any difference with regards to the
emotional roller coaster that I experienced when I opened the book.
This is a Patrick Bower’s
mystery, so fans of this fictional hero will know what to expect. For the uninitiated, here’s what you can
expect: strong, fully developed
characters, impossible situations, complex villains, some romance . . . and
tears. Let’s not forget the tears. Have a box of tissues readily available. There is also a strong, authentic, unapologetic faith message woven throughout.
Bowers is struggling. He’s struggling to
convince his colleagues of the positive aspects of geospatial forensics. Forget motive. Why? is not the question that needs
answering. The two questions that Agent
Bowers considers are Where? and What time? By focusing on the crime scene, one
can more readily apprehend the perpetrator, and eliminate any red herrings.
He’s also struggling with a
teenage stepdaughter who is wise beyond her years, and has the sarcasm to prove
And then there’s this little
side issue of a drug pusher whose best product delivers the goods and renders
the user susceptible to suggestion.
Extremely susceptible.
There. I’ve given you all the details that I’m going
to give you. Save the date: September 2018. EVERY WICKED MAN by Steven James becomes
available. You won’t want to miss this
5 stars for a story that will hold you until the very last page.
I received this book in
exchange for my honest review.
Steven James
ISBN 978-1-101-99159-6
Suspense / Thriller
544 pages
$9.99 paperback
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