Friday, April 27, 2018

Is There Anything Too Hard For God? Ask These Seven People Who Have Experienced THE RESCUE!

“Is any thing too hard for the LORD? At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son.”
Genesis 18:14 (KJV)

We read stories like that in the Bible and say to ourselves (and to one another), “Yes, but things were DIFFERENT         back then.  When was the last time YOU saw something like that?”

Well, Jim Cymbala and Ann Spangler may not have witnessed a miraculous pregnancy, but they have seen God work miraculously in the lives of seven people.  They saw God working so powerfully, that they just had to write a book about it.  They called this book . . .

The Rescue.

Short.  Sweet.  And definitely to the point.  There is no other word for it . . . these individuals were rescued from circumstances that defy the imagination.  And they share their stories to remind you that God is still in the life-saving business . . . and that there really is nothing too hard for God.

The stories are written in the first person, and the “writers” don’t pull any punches.  They are brutally – sometimes graphically – honest with their experiences, so you might want to keep that in mind when considering younger readers.  And for those who have been technologically blessed (which is about everyone these days!) you can watch 5 of the stories contained in the book online at

Think you’ve strayed too far from God to be rescued?  These seven testimonies just might change your mind.

5 stars for a testimonial to the rescuing power of the one true God


Jim Cymbala, with Ann Spangler
Religion / Christian Life / Spiritual Growth
ISBN 978-0-310-35117-7
177 pages
$16.99 (Hardback with dustjacket)

Monday, April 9, 2018


I read a story one time, about a minister who was engaged in conversation with a good friend.  His friend was asking him about his sermons, and the minister replied,
          “Well, I study all week for my sermon.  And when I get into the pulpit, the sermon I prepared is a good sermon.  Then I start preaching, and it doesn’t sound anything like what I prepared . . . but it’s a better sermon.  Now, if you want to hear a really good sermon, walk home with me of a Sunday evening, and I’ll tell you what I should have said.”

That . . . in a nutshell . . . is what you have in your hands when you open THE VINE’S EXPOSITORY BIBLE.  You have over 60 years of blood, sweat and tears in the service of the Lord, distilled and distributed throughout the text of the Old and New Testaments.  The New King James Version enables the reader to engage the Biblical text without the sometimes confusing language of the KJV, while still remaining faithful to the Authorized Version. 

To this text Pastor Dr. Jerry Vines brings his magnum opus;  24 years worth of expository messages, from every book of the Bible, delivered from the pulpit of the First Baptist Church of Jacksonville, Florida.  Pastor Vines introduces each book, providing an explanation of the authorship, date, outline, and major themes of the book.  Then as the reader progresses through the Bible, Paster Vines provides numerous helps (I consider them “gems,” personally!):  Expository Messages (“PRESENTING THE MESSAGE”), word studies (“DISCERNING THE MEANING,”) application (“APPLYING THE MESSAGE”), and personal application and growth (“LIVING THE MESSAGE.”) 

This may seem “complicated” in this review, but in actuality it is practically seamless.  These “gems” are strategically placed throughout the text, so that God’s Word remains central.  The helps are actually in the right place; no flipping back and forth, no myriad cross references to distract you.  It’s the closest thing to “total immersion” in Scripture reading that I’ve come across in a study Bible. 

The maps are full-color, and the one on Jesus’ Ministry is especially interesting, with “text ballons” showing where various incidents in Jesus’ ministry took place, geographically.  Also included is a very nice (not exhaustive, but nice) concordance, and the Expository Bible Index, which will help the reader find all of the “gems” that are scattered throughout the VINE’S EXPOSITORY BIBLE.

If I don’t meet Pastor Dr. Jerry Vines in this life, I’ll certainly be looking him up in the next.  I mean, after over 60 years in the ministry, the man is working on his PhD at the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.  For fun.  I want to meet this man!

5 golden stars for a true expository Bible


Thomas Nelson
Bibles / New King James Version / Reference
ISBN 9760-718-09851-3
1965 pages
$44.99 (Hardback with dust jacket)

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

The KJV Minister's Bible by Thomas Nelson

As a minister, there is no such thing as too many Bibles.  “Specialty” Bibles are a real treat, and The KJV Minister’s Bible is no exception.  The LeatherSoft cover is soft and supple to the touch, and yet feels very secure in the hand.  I would feel very comfortable holding this Bible open in one hand, while preaching.  For the most part the KJV Minister’s Bible lives up to the claim of “lay-flat” binding . . . when one gets to Revelation, some “pressing” is required, which is to be expected.  I also enjoyed the “clean” text of the Scripture passages.  While I have a Thompson Chain Reference, and love it for the copious cross references and margin notes, sometimes it’s refreshing just to get alone with God’s Word, minus the distractions.  This is a three-ribbon Bible, which means you can easily mark your place for different portions of Scripture, depending on the service.

A convenient thumb-tab allows you to open the Bible easily to a real treasure:  the complete Nelson’s Ministers Manual has been inserted between the Old and New Testaments, making this one of the most “minister-ready” Bibles I’ve ever come across.  Two study guides are included:  30 Days With Jesus, and a One-Year Reading plan.  The eight pages of full-color maps are helpful, as well.

I’ve only noted two issues with this KJV Minister’s Bible.  I like to mark up my Bible . . . a lot.  The highlighters I use seem to bleed through more than I would like.  And the one feature that I sorely miss:  a concordance.  For the serious student of the Bible, a concordance is indispensible. 

All those positives – and only two drawbacks – make this a Bible that I feel is well worth the purchase price.

5 golden stars for a minister-friendly Bible


Thomas Nelson
Bibles / King James Version / Reference
1166 pages
$44.99 (brown LeatherSoft)