Thursday, February 1, 2018

IS THIS THE END? Dr. David Jeremiah Provides Insight For Tomorrow

You will want to take some time with this book.  You will want to have an open door to your favorite walking trail, driveway, backyard, or wherever it is that you go to “cool off.”  Because Dr. David Jeremiah is all about the truth . . . and sometimes, the truth is really hard to handle.

And when the author of IS THIS THE END? starts telling it like it is . . . and citing example after example of the stereotyping, marginalization, threats and intimidation, and litigation being forced upon believers . . . here, in America . . . simply because of their faith . . . well, you just have to go somewhere.

But please . . . don’t forget to come back.  Take a deep breath . . . turn the page, and keep reading.  Because the worst is over, and the best is yet to come.

With a masterful grasp of human history, a clear understanding of current events, and an almost encyclopedic knowledge of scripture, Dr. David Jeremiah will leave you firmly established on solid ground . . . recognizing what in the world is going on, and how in the world you are supposed to respond to it from a biblical perspective.

Five stars for a challenging wake-up call that is long overdue!

I received this book free of charge in exchange for my open and honest review.

Dr. David Jeremiah
ISBN: 978-0-7852-1628-5
RELIGION / Christian Life / Spiritual Growth
Thomas Nelson
321 pages
$16.99  U.S. paperback

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