Wednesday, May 28, 2014

UNDETECTED . . . Riveting Suspense and Romantic Intrigue

It’s the same argument used by critics of the four Gospels:  Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.  Why four gospels, and why are they so different . . . and yet so similar?  Because the author’s were writing to different people groups, and were presenting different aspects of the Lord Jesus Christ.

There have been rumblings that “Dee Henderson is slipping; her writing has changed!  This isn’t ANYTHING like her O’Malley series!”

Well, guess what . . . this isn’t the next installment of the O’Malley series.  And I’m here to let you know . . . Dee Henderson IS NOT SLIPPING!  The romantic suspense is still there, stronger than ever but better; because of its subtlety.  And the “learning curve” that Dee Henderson had to work through in order to write UNDETECTED is not something for the faint of heart.

From page one, the book had me hooked.  I’m writing this review on the strength of the first 100 pages, because I want to be able to finish the book without worrying about a review deadline . . . it’s just that good!!!

Commander Mark Bishop is in charge of the Gold Crew on board the ballistic missile submarine USS Nevada.  He is one of a handful of picked men, highly trained for a burden of command like few others jobs in the military:  keeping the crew of the Nevada trained and alert during ninety-day submerged patrols, and being prepared to launch nuclear weapons upon presidential authority.  It makes for a long day, and a stressful . . . and lonely . . . life.  Which is why Mark wants someone to come home to.

Gina Gray, aka “Gina The Genius,” would love to be married.  An unexpected breakup, though, has her focusing her attention on what she does best.  Gina has had more breakthroughs in ocean science research than anyone twice her age.  She’s on the cusp of yet another one . . . and if she’s right, submarine warfare is about to enter a new and dangerous chapter. 

5 stars for riveting suspense and romantic intrigue

Dee Henderson
fiction / romantic suspense
Bethany House
476 pages
$15.99 (U.S.)

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