Writing about things that you know is one of the cardinal
rules for those who wish to be seen in print.
Shawn Grady brings over a decade of service as a paramedic and firefighter
to his debut novel, Through The Fire,
and it shows on every page. You
may have never darkened the door of a firehouse in your life, but that will not
be a hindrance. Within 3 chapters, you
will be in the “swing” of things as you join forces with Aidan O'Neill, a Reno firefighter, struggling with the loss of his father, who
was also a Reno
Someone is deliberately setting fires in and around Reno , and the signature
is unlike anything anyone has seen before.
Aidan is determined to find the answers to his father’s death, and his
investigation links that incident with the arsons that are occurring with
increasing frequency and devastating results.
Aidan receives help from many quarters, and in the process he realizes
that not all fires are bad. The fire of
faith enables one to endure, the fire of love enables one to overcome, and the
fire of holiness burns to eliminate the impurities of a life not surrendered to
I read this book in just three hours, because I could not
put it down.
5 stars
Through The Fire
Shawn Grady
ISBN 0764205951
Fiction \ Christian\General
Bethany House
336 pages
$13.99 U.S.
Free on kindle through the end of the June 2013