“Then He said to them,
"My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Stay here and watch with
Me." He went a little farther and
fell on His face, and prayed, saying, "O My Father, if it is possible, let
this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will."
26:38-39 (NKJV)
relationship with the Lord God Almighty is not for the faint of heart. It is not so much a series of tasks as it is
a lifelong commitment which demands ones best at every instance. Five individuals are about to discover the
truth of these words.
unique people. Five very different walks
of life. Yet they have two things in
common; they believe that they have heard the voice of God, and they have
responded in obedience.
John, Ruth, Alisha, Jenny and Yusuuf simultaneously arrive in New York for very different reasons, they
are inextricably drawn together to the same hotel lobby. Led by the Spirit, introductions are made and
the purpose for their meeting is revealed in a flash mob: Hope Is Dead.
Cooper has his priorities in order. Me,
myself . . . and I. He lives with the
fury of one who sees, and has been denied, his hearts desires. Always striving, Trent is never going to be content with a
brass ring. Visionary, and with a clear
understanding of his strengths and weaknesses, Trent Cooper will not rest until
he has it all. Trent lays it all on the line for the one
roll of the dice that will either make him . . . or break him. He doesn’t realize that in so doing, he’s
already lost.
Turning is a contemporary allegory of an eternal story; a story of rebellion
and reconciliation, of romance and redemption.
A story of sin and salvation, and the eternal struggle between the god
of this world and the King of Kings. And
while the adversary may wish you to believe that there is a pitched battle
raging throughout the ages, and the outcome is precariously balanced on the
edge of a knife . . . nothing could be further from the truth. One little word
shall fell him.
received a complimentary copy of The Turning from River North Fiction
in exchange for my honest review.
stars, for a story that reveals the impossible . . . and makes it possible.